Where to find it in VMware vSphere Web Client – A technical walkthrough…

Da ich immer wieder in Kunden- und Schulungssituationen festgestellt habe, dass sich vor allem langjährige vSphere Administratoren schwer tun, gewisse Schalter und Funktionen im neuen vSphere Web Client 5.x (5.1 / 5.5) zu finden, möchte ich in diesem Artikel die meines Erachtens wichtigsten Funktionen und Einstiegspunkte des Web Clients an Hand von Screenshots aufzeigen. Er dient als „Where to find it“, als Einstieg für Administratoren, die sich zum ersten Mal mit dem Web Client auseinander setzen bzw. als kleines „Nachschlagewerk“ bevor man lange in den Tiefen des Web Clients suchen muss. Vor allem seit dem Release von vSphere 5.5 und der Virtual Hardware Version 10 wird der Admin teilweise gezwungen, den Web Client zu verwenden…

Auf Grund der Masse an Screenshots (ca. 70 Stück) habe ich die Screenshots  (für eine bessere Suche) in folgende Kategorien unterteilt:

  1. WebClient & vCenter
  2. Cluster
  3. Host
  4. Network
  5. Storage
  6. Virtual Machines

Sollten Screenshots in der Webansicht „zu klein“ sein, einfach daruaf klicken, wird größer 😉 Enjoy…

1. WebClient & vCenter

Hide all Getting Started Pages: Dropdown Menu Help, Hide all Getting Started Pages


Licensing: Home, Licensing


vCenter Mail and SNMP settings: Hosts and Clusters, vCenter object, Manage, Settings, General, Edit, Mail or SNMP receivers


Add new or edit Alarms: Hosts and Clusters, vCenter object, Manage, Alarm Definitions, „+“ or Edit


Acknowledge or delete Alarms: Hosts and Clusters, vCenter object, Monitor, Issues, Triggered Alarms


Manage Roles: Home, Roles


Manage Permissions: select any object, Manage, Permissions


Export Diagnostic Data: vCenter object, right click, All vCenter Actions, Export Diagnostic Data…


Object tagging: any object, right click, Assign tag ((mehr zum Thema „Tagging“ hier)


Pause function: click the double arrow in the right top of the window – task is paused -> „work in progress“ (mehr zum Thema „Pause“ hier)


2. Cluster

Edit Default VM Compatibility: Hosts and Clusters, Cluster object, Manage,  Settings, General, Default VM Compatibility, Edit


Enable, configure EVC Mode: Hosts and Clusters, Cluster object, Manage,  Settings, VMware EVC, Edit


Enable, configure VMware DRS: Hosts and Clusters, Cluster object, Manage,  Settings, vSphere DRS, Edit


Configure Keep together, separate or VM to Host DRS Rules: Hosts and Clusters, Cluster object, Manage,  Settings, DRS Rules, Add or Edit


Check DRS Recommendations and Run DRS: Hosts and Clusters, Cluster object, Monitor, vSphere DRS, Recommendations, Run DRS Now


Configure HA: Hosts and Clusters, Cluster object, Manage,  Settings, vSphere HA, Edit


Change default DRS and HA settings for some VMs: Hosts and Clusters, Cluster object, Manage,  Settings, VM Overrides, Add or Edit


3. Host

Check hardware status of the Host: Hosts and clusters, Host object, Monitor, Hardware Status


Reconfigure Host for HA: Hosts and clusters, Host object, right click, All vCenter Actions, Reconfigure for vSphere HA


NTP Configuration: Hosts ans clusters, Host object, Manage, Settings, Time Configuration


Configure Advanced Settings: Hosts and Clusters, Host object, Manage, Settings, System, Advanced System Settings


Start and stop services (Direct Console UI, SSH, ESXi Shell…): Hosts and Clusters, Host object, Manage, Settings, Security Profile, Services, Edit


Configure firewall and allow IPs and networks: Hosts and Clusters, Host object, Manage, Settings, Security Profile, Firewall, Edit


Create a Host Profile from Host: Home, Host Profiles, „+“


Attach Hosts or Cluster to a Host Profile: Home, Host Profiles, „Attach/Detach“ button


Check Compliance of Hosts or Cluster: Home, Host Profiles, „Check host profile“ button


Remediate Host or Cluster with Host Profile – Step 01: Home, Host Profiles, click your Host Profile


Remediate Host or Cluster with Host Profile – Step 02: Monitor, Compliance, select Host or Cluster, „Remediate“ button (Host has to be in Maintenance Mode!)


4. Network

Add new Standard vSwitch: Hosts and clusters, Host object, Manage, Networking, Virtual switches, „Add host networking“ button


Change or add Uplink adapters on a Standard vSwitch: Hosts and clusters, Host object, Manage, Networking, Virtual switches, „Network card“ button


Edit PortGroup settings: Hosts and clusters, Host object, Manage, Networking, Virtual switches, select vSwitch, select Port Group, Edit settings


Change VMkernel settings (IP, vMotion, Fault Tolerance, Management, Replication): Hosts and clusters, Host object, Manage, Networking, Virtual adapters, select vmkX, „Edit settings“ button


Add new Distributed vSwitch: Networking, Datacenter object, right click, New Distributed Switch


Edit uplink names: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, Manage, Settings, Properties, Edit, Edit uplink names


Configure LACP: Networking, Uplink object, Manage, Settings, Properties, Edit, LACP, Enabled


Configure LLDP: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, Manage, Settings, Properties, Edit, Advanced, Discovery protocol, Link Layer Discovery Protocol


Configure Health Check: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, Manage, Settings, Health check, Edit, Enable „VLAN and MTU“ and/or „Teaming and Failover“ Health check


Configure reset at disconnect: Networking, Port Group object, Manage, Settings, Properties, Edit, Advanced, Configure reset at disconnect


Configure NetFlow: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, Manage, Settings, NetFlow, Edit


Configure PortMirror: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, Manage, Settings, Port mirroring, New


Enable Network I/O Control: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, Manage, Settings, Properties, Edit, General, enable Network I/O Control


Configure Network I/O Control Network Ressource Pools: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, Manage, Resource Allocation, New or Edit


Import, export (Backup) or restore Distributed vSwitch and Port Group Configuration: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, right click, All vCenter Actions, Import Distributed Port Group or Export Configuration or Restore Configuration


Migrate VMs from Standard vSwitch Network to Distributed vSwitch Network: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, Manage, Settings, Topology, „Migrate Virtual Machine Networking“ button


Migrate VMkernels from Standard vSwitch Network to Distributed vSwitch Network: Networking, Distributed vSwitch object, Manage, Settings, Topology, „Add and Manage Hosts“ button, Migrate host networking


5. Storage

Add Software ISCSI and/or Software FCoE Adapter: Hosts and clusters, Host object, Manage, Storage, Storage Adpaters, „+“


Enable and configure ISCSI: Hosts and clusters, Host object, Manage, Storage, Storage Adpaters, select ISCSI Software Adapter, Properties, Enable or Edit


Add ISCSI Targets: Hosts and clusters, Host object, Manage, Storage, Storage Adpaters, select ISCSI Software Adapter, Targets, Dynamic Discovery, Add


Scan for new VMFS and/or storage: Hosts and clusters, Cluster object, right click, All vCenter Actions, Rescan Storage


Create / add NFS or VMFS datastore: Hosts and clusters, Cluster or Host object, right click, New Datastore


Enable Storage I/O Control: Storage, select datastore, Manage, Settings, General, Datastore Capabilities, Edit, enable Storage I/O Control


Create Datastore Cluster: Storage, Datacenter object, right click, New Datastore Cluster


Configure Storage DRS: Storage, Datastore Cluster object, Manage, Settings, Storage DRS, Edit


Configure Storage DRS Rules: Storage, Datastore Cluster object, Manage, Settings, Rules, Add or Edit


Enable Provile Driven Storage – Step 01: Home, VM Storage Profiles


Enable Provile Driven Storage – Step 02: „Enable VM Storage Profiles“ button


6. Virtual Machines

Deploy OVF Template or OVA Virtual Appliances: Hosts and Clusters, Cluster object, right click, Deploy OVF Template


Deploy VM from Template: VMs and Templates, select template, right click, All vCenter Actions, Deploy VM from this Template


Clone to or convert to Template: select VM, right click, All vCenter Actions, Template, Clone to or convert to Template


Migrate multiple VMs (vMotion / Storage vMotion): select Host / Cluster / Datacenter / Folder, Related Objects, Virtual Machines, select VMs (Strg) , right click, Migrate


Check and configure CPU, Memory, Storage Reservations, Shares, Limits of VMs: Hosts and clusters, Cluster object, Monitor, Resource Allocation


Protect a VM with Fault Tolerance: select VM, right click, All vCenter Actions, Fault Tolerance, Turn On Fault Tolerance


Install/Upgrade VMware Tools: select VM, right click, All vCenter Actions, Guest OS, Install/Upgrade VMware Tools


Configure Hot Add – Part 01: select VM, right click, Edit Settings


Configure Hot Add – Part 02: Virtual Hardware, dropdown „CPU“, check „Enable CPU Hot Plug“ (VM has to be powered off)


Configure Hot Add – Part 03: Virtual Hardware, dropdown „Memory“, check „Enable Memory Hot Plug“ (VM has to be powered off)


Force BIOS Setup: select VM, right click, Edit Settings, VM Options, Boot Options, check „The next time the virtual machine boots, force entry into the BIOS setup screen“


Add new virtual hardware: select VM, right click, Edit Settings, Virtual Hardware, New device


Change complete MAC address of a VM: select VM, right click, Edit Settings, Virtual Hardware, dropdown Network Adapter, set from „Automatic“ to „Manual“, set MAC Address


Connect CD, floppy, USB devices: select VM, Summary, click „Connect“ button (for USB and USB controller needs to be configured on the VM)


vMotion of running VMs without Shared Storage – Part01: Powered On VM, right click, Migrate


vMotion of running VMs without Shared Storage – Part02: Change both host and datastore



– I wish I could be a Virtual Machine –


Benjamin Ulsamer

Senior Consultant & Trainer

teamix GmbH

Benjamin Ulsamer

Benjamin Ulsamer ist seit Januar 2011 für die Firma Proact Deutschland GmbH tätig. Er startete als Senior Consultant & Trainer und war Teamlead im Bereich Virtualisierung. Im Oktober 2015 wurde er zum Manager Professional Services Region South ernannt. Seit Juni 2017 ist er verantwortlich für die IT-Ausbildung. In den Jahren 2015, 2016 und 2017 hat er für sein Engagement bzgl. Blogging & Wissensvermittlung von VMware die Auszeichnung zum vExpert erhalten. Seit 2021 ist er zudem mit verantwortlich für das Marketing von Proact.


Gibt es eigentlich Browser Beschränkungen?
Oder bekannte Probleme mit Browsern?

Chrome, IE und Firefox sind unter Win, Lin und Mac voll supportet. Probleme gabs unter 5.1, dass gewisse Menüs gefehlt haben, die sind in 5.5 aber alle drin. Probleme gibts wenn dann mit Adobe Flash (Client Browser braucht Flash). 😉

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